Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Surgery Tomorrow

The day that I've been dreading is finally upon me. Tomorrow we are bringing Jonathan to Children's Hospital at 6:45 in the morning. His surgery is expected to be 6 hours long, I'll try to post an update here during that time.

We had a fun day today. Wes started his leave from work today so we got to hang out as a family. Took some really cute photos, which I will have to post tomorrow. I'll have a lot of free time to do so!

Thank you for all your good thoughts and prayers. We are so grateful and touched by the love and good thoughts from our family, friends, and even strangers.
Until tomorrow!


  1. I will be thinking of your little guy and your family today. I know a little bit how you feel, my daughter is scheduled for kidney surgery on August 25th. Hang in there momma, your little guy is so full of life, I just have a feeling he's going to do great! I will be checking in for updates! -Emily

  2. I hope his surgery went well - nbjenni from thebump
