Friday, March 27, 2009

We have a Date

We went to Children's yesterday for Jonathan's CT scan. Little buddy got put under and had his cute little noggin scanned. Then we got to talk with Jonathan's surgeon, Dr. Hopper.

Jonathan's surgery is scheduled for June 4th. It is MUCH sooner than we were expecting. It shocked Wes and I, but I am glad to get it over with sooner rather than go the whole summer with the impending surgery hanging over our heads.
On surgery day he'll go to Children's Hospital and spend 5 hours in surgery and then spend a couple of days in the ICU and then 3 days in the hospital. The doctor said he should have a speedy recovery, yay!
I think his soft furry little head is beautiful now. What is he going to look like after surgery? I am so scared and nervous! Thankfully we are in good hands with the Children's Team.

In May John goes back to Hearing Loss Clinic for a sedated follow-up BAER hearing test. I am pretty sure his hearing loss is a mild one.

Jonathan is getting so big. He is a happy and curious little guy, and so fearless and energetic! Here are some cute pictures to end on a cheerful note!

Nap time yet?

Look! He's standing! I know, we're in trouble.

So chunky and cute! Notice the drool trail on Dad's shirt?

Trying out my new camera with my fav model :-)

Another model shot...

Hard at Play

Ready for the Seattle Mariners tryouts :-)

This is his cute laugh/cry


Wes riling up John right before bedtime :-P

Loving his exersaucer

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Just have a couple of cute pics to share. Jonathan has been enjoying eating solids. He loves carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, and bananas. Green beans...not so much.
Excited to chow down
Can I have some carrots now?

Monday, March 9, 2009

J.W. charms Nevada City!

Two weeks ago Jonathan and I took a plane down to see family in Nevada City, California. It was baby John's first plane ride and he did fabulous! The flight attendants got a kick out of seeing his flirtatious smiles.
JW (thats what everyone in norCali is calling him :-)) got to see Grammy JoanE, great grandparents Nana and Bebop, Uncle Jarrod and Auntie Holly, and many other friendly faces. It was a special trip because my brother Jarrod, who is in the Army stationed in Afghanistan, was home for two weeks. We had a lot of fun getting family and friends together for mexican food (16 of us!), and going to Holly's house for a great Italian dinner that her mom cooked.

JW was mesmerized by Bebop's donald duck impersonations and Nana's sparkly glasses. He loved playing with his Grammy JoanE. He had so much fun playing with Grammy's tambourine. This kid loves to make loud noise!
It was sad to say goodbye to Nevada City for now, but little John Wesley will be back!

In the past two weeks we have been feeding Jonathan solid foods. He seems to love the carrots best, mmmm! John is also rolling over and getting good at sitting up. He's growing so fast...

Playing with Grammy and the tambourine

Uncle Jarrod

4 generations: Nana, Grammy, Me, and JW

Talking with Patsy: "How you doin'?"

Holly, Jarrod, Me, and JW

Hanging out with Great Aunt Lyn. He loved that menu!

Aren't we cute?

Great Auntie Barbie came by to visit and was a big hit!
Munching on Holly's hair

Dinner with Holly's family. A great feast!