Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pictures Galore!

I love my new camera! And Jonathan has been such a great sport about me snapping pictures of him :-) Here are the latest greatest:

He is almost crawling. Time to babyproof the house!

Enjoying a rare sunny day outside

He kept trying to eat the dandelions.

John got to play while Mom made lunch

I can't wait until he gets bored of this NOISY toy :-)

Jonthan and I took a field trip over to Redmond and Bellevue last week to visit my friends Ingunn and Kathy. Baby John had a great time!

With Aunt Ingunn

And Auntie Kathy!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

7 months old

Jonathan is seven months old now! I can't believe how fast he is growing up. Let's see, what is he up to these days?

He Grabs Everything within reach.
This has been funny (he loves the crinkly diaper wipes package) and embarrassing (he took out a whole rack of business cards at a busy supermarket checkout).
He is Standing Up good.
Jonathan can stand up holding on to something for a few minutes. He can take a couple of steps hanging on to our hands, although he usually gets sidetracked after the first step (oooh, I need to chew on my fist!). He can also roll and he is pushing himself backwards when on his tummy.
He has Two Teeth.
His bottom two are in. Makes for very cute smiles. Makes for not very fun nights. I've heard every parent sigh about the teething process and now I understand your pain! Poor baby. I've heard a few recommendations for 'Hylands Teething Tablets' and I'm going to find some this week.
He is Eating Well.
Jonathan is finally getting the hang of eating. We hit our peak messiness with split-pea soup. Yikes! Luckily this week more food is going down the hatch rather than spit back out. Yay!
Here's some cute pics:

The aforementioned split-pea soup night.

Happy Solider

Cute story behind this pic: Whenever Jonathan sees Grandpa Don's painting he gets the biggest smile on his face. That's what he's looking at here while playing with Dad and Maggie :-)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

First Party

Jonathan went to his first birthday party. His little friend Audrey turned 1 years old and had a fabulous party. There were six other adorable babies there, it was so cute watching them play with each other on the floor.

Happy Birthday Audrey!

Our family photo

Oooh, I want that toy...

Look at all those babies!
The Birthday Girl

He loved this slinky!