Sunday, June 7, 2009


It has been 4 days since Jonathan's surgery. For the most part, he is doing good. He no longer needs to wear his monitor sensors while awake, this means he is finally cord-free while awake, YAY! Just in time, because I think he would have pulled them off by now. He is getting kind of feisty :-)
His eyes are swelled shut, totally normal according to the doctors. It looks kind of scary! Jonathan has been a good sport about it- I can tell he is confused about why he can't see, but he is getting good at using his other senses to figure out what is going on around him. He has enjoyed hearing us read and sing to him, and I brought a bunch of small noisy toys from home for him to rattle around.

We had a rough morning! Jonathan threw up a lot- from the medications, we think. Wes and I have gotten this 'baptism' twice each. Welcome to Parenthood, indeed! Poor little buddy is doing a little better this evening. Hopefully his tummy stays calm throughout tonight.

I was finally able to download more pics, here they are:

Right before surgery on Thursday, chewing on Daddy's ID badge

Love my boy!

This pic makes me melt

Our last family "before" photo

....And 10 hours later we finally saw him again.

His head is looking good!

Friday, Day 2 of surgery. Starting to swell.

Saturday, Day 3.

Day 3. We finally got to hold him a lot!

Day 4, Sunday. Wes reading John a story. Look how swollen he is!

These are pictures we took during the week prior to the surgery:
Happy times hanging with Mama

Bonding with Uncle Martin up at Tina's cabin

With his best friend Maggie.


  1. Thank you so much for the update because I have been thinking about you three and wondering how things good to see it's good. Keep up the good work and hopefully, we will see you soon. Love the pictures! Diane

  2. This is the first time I've been to your blog, and I'm so very thankful the surgery went well. The picture of dad reading to him at the hospital made me cry....I was kicked by a horse, and my skull was damaged when I was a baby, and I have a picture of my mom reading to me in the hospital that is so similar. Thank you for sharing his journey.
