Wes has been working a lot and I have been hanging out with Little Buddy at home. I try to get out of the house at least once a day, even if it is just taking Sanggletooth for a walk around the park. Buddy loves going on field trips with me. We go to the grocery store, Fred Meyer, the off-leash dog park (which is right on the Edmonds waterfront beach), and sometimes the Mall (but I found out I'm allergic to teenagers... When did I get so old?!). We both welcome the change of scenery.
We have been loving the beautiful weather. We spend a lot of time in our backyard with our black lab Snaggletooth. LB loves to chase Maggs. He holds onto our hands and walks/runs towards a sitting Snaggs, who gets out of the way at the last second and moves to another spot. They can play this game for awhile! You can tell Snaggle is loving it. I really think she understands how little and young LB is right now. They are going to be great friends as they get older!
New things about Buddy:
He's on the move now! LB started crawling a week ago. And I suddenly found out how valuable free time is, lol! He is getting faster every day. Today he found dog's water bowl...what. a. mess.
He is really good at cruising too. He loves hanging on to the coffee table and shuffling along until he can grab something (he has a thing for the tv remote...it all starts so young...lol). I spent the morning clearing everything off that table. The baby proofing has really begun!
Buddy has also been figuring out he can say no. Oh boy! This has been a little trying during meal times. He decided one morning he didn't want pureed baby food anymore. Clamped his lips shut and shook his head when I offered him his old favorite mashed carrots. Pushed the spoon away and got it all over himself, everywhere except his mouth. (He now gets a bath every day!)
I have been giving him finger foods. Beans, raspberries, cooked vegetables, watermelon, avocado, and Cheerios.
And now, some good recovery pictures!
So happy to be hanging out with Dad a week after surgery...
...and Mom too!

Mama with her little 'Boxer'

Mama with her little 'Boxer'

His profile has changed so much. Interesting tidbit: The surgeon actually gave John the forehead dimensions of a 24-month old. So Jonathan will be 'growing into his forehead' over the next year. The results look great!
New Jonathan
Old Jonathan