Thursday, May 14, 2009

How old?!

The Little Man is 8 months old now...How does time go by so fast??
Jonathan is so active these days. He's been climbing all over me when we're sitting on the couch. He is getting really good at his floor break-dancing, I watched him wiggle and roll his way across the living room. Yikes! :-) He really loves running around in his walker- there is a short video at the end of this post if you want to watch our speed demon.

On the social front, Jonathan got to attend another birthday party (he's getting popular! ;-)) His buddy Nathan turned 2, yay! We all went to the zoo after the party, it a good time.

As we are getting closer to John's surgery, I'm still a little bit in denial, which I think is good. I've got to focus my energies on raising this boy, not dwelling on things that haven't happened yet.
Thanks for reading this, I feel so amazed and blessed to have great people in our lives <3<3<3

And now the best part :-D

So happy to run around in his walker
Birthday boy in his new super cape

Nathan tamed the Dragon :-)

Jonathan did a double-take at the tiger growling

Wes packs, I take pictures. Hehe

Cherry Blossoms!

He loves our guard bear

Showing off his new teeth


  1. Thanks so much for all of theses pictures of your beautiful, beautiful boy. I sent them on to Sue so she could see them to you all, Diane

  2. Thanks so much for the pictures of your beautiful, beautiful boy........I sent them on to Sue so she could see them also. Good and happy thoughts for you and Wes, but especially for baby Jonathan. love to you all, Diane

  3. He is SOOOO adorable!!!
    -Sara (your neighbor) :D
