Hi Y'all!
We had record-breaking snowfall here in Seattle during Christmas. These storms threw our city into chaos, but we had a good time playing in the powder with Maggie. I'll always remember Jonathan's first Christmas being a white one.
Our little boy had a BAER hearing test this month and it revealed he has a mild hearing loss. It was kind of a blow to us, but not entirely unexpected. I also have a mild hearing loss, I wear tiny hearing aids. I just got mine a few years ago and what a difference it has made in my life!! I'm happy that we caught Jonathan's hearing loss so early. Did you know they make hearing aids for 6 month old babies?
On a more positive note, Jonathan just had a great visit with his pediatrician. He is now 17.1 lbs and is hitting all of his milestones, yay!!!!!!
Look at all that snow! This was during Christmas.

Waiting for Santa to come...

Hi, I came by your blog by random and I feel touched by Jonathan's health condition & your strength! Our prayers are with you (am not sure whether your a into religion etc).